Neil Jay
Feb 5, 20211 min read
Seminar on SCC
St. Joseph’s regional seminary, Allahabad, organized a five days (from 1st February to 5th February) seminar on Small Christian...
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Oct 19, 20201 min read
Seminar on “Mission”
A seminar on ‘Mission Sunday’ was the second major celebration held in the Seminary this year. It was organized by the Hartmann Academy....
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Oct 17, 20201 min read
“Fratelli Tutti” a Theological Colloquium
After a long gap the first common celebration that we had was the theological colloquium on the third encyclical of Pope Francis Fratelli...
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Vincent Anthony
Sep 15, 20201 min read
Diocesan Picnic 2019
On this special day brothers gathered together according to their dioceses and congregations not only to cook food of their choice but...
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