On this day of solemnity of St. Joseph not only the Seminary celebrated its Patron’s Day but also the Seminary had the joy of receiving the new priests who were ordained the previous year. All the new priests except one were present for the celebration. Rev. Fr. Bodhak, Diocese of Nasik was the main celebrant and Rev. Fr. Christopher, Diocese of Gumla preached the homily. The usual programme of sharing the life experience as new priests was held after breakfast. There was a friendly cricket match and a thanksgiving cultural programme in the evening marked the day. The Novena too was solemnly concluded. As a whole it was a day of great joy and blessing to all.
What's so interesting about the day?
The solemnity of St. Joseph and the New Priests' Celebration were celebrated on the same day that is 19-03-2021. Solemnity of St. Joseph is important in here is because He (St. Joseph) is the Patron saint of the Seminary. From the known facts it is evident that New Priests' Day usually celebrated in the closing days of the first semester. However, due to COVID-19 circumstances, it was however, held on this blessed day.
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Check out the culmination day of Novena (previous day eve):

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